The world proclaims the climate change is the challenge to the human race in the 21st century, and people are moving forward to save the climate. However, the climate change topic is completely disregarded by the Burmese government as the country sides denuded of all virgin forests, gold, jade, and rubies etc., leaving the areas without any clean up and contaminating rivers. Oil and gas are other issues. Mountains and wild animals are crying out loud while water is turning into brownish. We already start seeing natural disasters resulting in flooding in
The mountains cry.
Labels: Hefting The Rod
A new born baby has 100 million neurons or nerve cells which is the most a person can have in their life. Morrison stated that brain undergoes tremendous physical growth during the first two years of life and it finishes developing at the age of ten. (Morrison 230). A sad fact is that brain connections that are not used or used only a little time may wither away. (Morrison 230).
Brain connection fosters through their environments such as interacting with parents, teachers, toys, and so on. If children grow up in the environments where parents and teachers are supportive they are more likely to be smart, if not, children may be more likely to have academic failure or delay. It’s not a matter of one is smarter than the other yet, one has better opportunities to connect those nerve cells.
Providing appropriate and safe environments; a safe and pleasant physical setting and attractive, healthy environments is very critical for children.
Children are innocent and sensitive. They learn how to be adults from their environments. Children who grow up in healthy environments seem to have better emotional, spiritual, social, and academic adjustment. Creative activities or a program which can provide a healthy learning atmosphere is essential. Early childhood education therefore, is one of the most important early experiences for a person to have success in his or her future life.
Labels: Hefting The Rod
I opened this account to be a place to open my heart. Normally, I am not very articulate yet, I’ll try my best to be able to communicate with you. As apprenticeship, I would like to converse mostly about educational system and its roles in
Labels: A Glimpse of Apprenticeship
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